École 1337

Funded by the OCP (Office Chérifien des Phosphates) Group, École 1337 in Morocco is a pioneering college project that trains the most talented students to be programmers and developers regardless of their social background. Up to 200 young people complete a free, three-year program here.
The teaching concept is based on students taking responsibility for their futures and sharing skills. The college is open round the clock, has no timetable or text books, trainers instead of teachers, clusters instead of classrooms and a design concept that marries both the analogue and digital world.

“The fascination of the digital world and spontaneous competitions with each other frequently mean we spend more than 12 hours in front of a computer. So ergonomic office chairs are a must. We chose IN because it’s comfortable whatever the posture, built to last, encourages users to engage in three-dimensional movements and its design is ideal for this young generation.”

Hamza Chefchaouni, CEO of DWP
Interior design:
DWP Design with Purpose