Workshop workout


Wilkhahn promotes mobility in the workplace. “Office for motion” is the concept developed by the office furniture manufacturer for the holistic promotion of physical activity and interaction in the world of work and which permeates almost all product lines. One of the premises is to design work in such a way that the health of the employees is maintained and typical office conditions such as back pain do not even arise. Of course, this does not only apply for the office workstations of Wilkhahn’s customers, but also for in-house production and the Wilkhahn factory overseas.


While various exercise programmes are offered at head office and, once a week, a physical therapist encourages employees at the administrative offices to take part in gymnastics, Wilkhahn Australia also supports its production staff, providing the services of health and fitness trainer Todd Colthard, for example. The fitness trainer analyses the motion sequences of the workforce and works with them to develop a tailormade fitness programme for promoting physical activity. In individual sessions and small groups, the “problem areas” of employees are identified and appropriate workouts put together to relieve these issues. From circling the head as a means of relieving tension in the neck and shoulders to a workout for the spine in the wellness area at Wilkhahn production plants – the main goal of the trainer is to introduce more variety into the rather monotonous motion sequences of production. The employees are evidently enjoying the programme and the results are impressive: Sick leave due to musculoskeletal problems has already decreased significantly.


The Australian website Kochie’s Business Builders has made a video about the workshop workouts at Wilkhahn Australia.


Everything about the Wilkhahn concept “Office for Motion”